SEO agency / Search Engine Optimization

Your prospects are searching. Let’s make sure they can find you.

SEO is more important than you think

We believe that SEO is not only a cost-effective acquisition channel that gives your website more visibility on search engines but also the platform to answer users’ questions. It actively participates in every stage of the conversion funnel, from awareness to sales.

We ardently work on bringing this idea to life by establishing long-term partnerships with our clients and developing long-lasting strategies including technical, content, and authority SEO.

Our SEO approach

Here is a brief version of how a complete SEO project of ours looks from start to finish.

The first step for us is getting to know your business goals and online strategy to be able to define together how SEO can help you achieve your goals.

We perform a technical SEO audit to maximise the usability of the website by making it easily accessible and easy-to-use for both users and search engines.

It’s essential to audit your content from time to time to be aware of your organic results and to know if the content is achieving its goals.

If you have an overview of the search landscape, you know exactly who your organic competitors are and how they perform.

In order to give the best possible search experience for users we need to know what is the search intent we need to answer. We explore relevant topics and identify related search queries.

It’s fundamental to plan the content on the site: topics, formats, connections between content pieces and frequency of publication.

Content creation is also essential. SEO copywriting guidelines include many on-page areas to pay attention to. The goal is to make the content appeal to the visitors and understandable to the search engines.

Off-page SEO enhances ranking through incoming link signals. This is the method which builds authority for the site in Google’s eyes.

SEO focuses on long-term goals, but to maintain a good performance, continuous optimization is required. That’s why performance monitoring is key.

Enterprise SEO

Our enterprise clients rely on us to stay competitive in the search engine result pages, whether it is related to the size of the website or the size of the business.

We are able to run an SEO analysis for large enterprise websites and scale our methods to them as well as get along with multiple stakeholders and work together with marketing, content, and IT teams simultaneously.

We are looked at for new ideas to be visible on competitive terms, whether it is about employer branding or specific services that your enterprise provides. We offer several SEO services that can help achieve such a result:

  1. Technical audits and log file analysis to work on page speed and to understand every detail of how search engines interpret the pages.
  2. Keyword gap analysis and benchmarks allow us to be inspired by competitor keywords and outrank them for these keyphrases.
  3. Content creation and optimization to make sure that we address the user’s intent, answer their questions and ultimately have them satisfied with the content they were looking for.
  4. Link-building strategy: for those very competitive keywords that need an extra push, we build SEOstrategies to give the website the authority it needs to soar through the search engine result pages.

We offer the SEO capacity to:

  • Crawl enterprise websites with millions of pages and provide insights on an individual page level
  • Run semantical analysis and offer recommendations for 10 000+ keywords
  • Create SEO-friendly content at a high pace and with proven results
  • Scale our link-building strategy to the needed amount of backlinks every month

Check some of our recent enterprise projects:

Introducing Nokia to website performance measurement through page speed measurement

Business background

Page speed has become an important factor for website owners and SEOs since Google began focusing more and more on user experience factors. If companies don’t adapt to this new mindset, they will lose their organic power. Nokia has experienced an extensive page load time on most of its pages, but lacked proper measurable information about the performance of the website. It is challenging to adapt site-wise technical modifications without understanding what is really behind the curtain.

Our solution

Mito introduced a multifactor, multi locational-targeting page speed measurement and reporting system across different devices. Our focus was to develop a measurement system from scratch that is able to report on different page speed KPIs so we can better understand what additional analyses are needed to increase the pages’ performance. We did not only focus on a page level measurement, but also grouped pages to page types that assists us in making more educated assumptions. We paid attention to location modularity in order to extend the number of analysed locations to additional countries by adding new Virtual Machines to our framework. We are able to measure different KPIs on both mobile and desktop so we can see how the site performance is realized across devices. Our measurement system and dashboard provided us insights on what type of elements of the different page types might cause low speed performance and it helped us to further analyse the loading curve, just as the opportunities in Google PageSpeed Insights recommendations for the different page types.


We set up the measurement system and the dashboard that reports on website performance and opportunities. Through properly tracking the page speed improvements, Nokia becomes a more powerful organic participant in the telco market in Google search, while they provide a better user experience for their visitors.

Your new ally of top brands

These global brands have already honored us with their trust and we are happy that we are growing together with them. Will you join this journey?

Can’t find your industry?

What you can gain if you decide to work with us?

More organic traffic

Through better visibility in search engines the number of visitors of your website starts to grow.

More potential leads

By generating more targeted traffic, the interest for your products and services will increase.

Increased revenue

From a higher number of potential leads it’s easier to boost the revenue from an organic source.

Better brand awareness in search

Customers interact with your brand. Control how they see you in search results and what information they get.

Eased customer support workload

With previous customer support knowledge in the pocket SEO can help information flow through FAQs and proper website content.

Optimized workflows

SEO helps you to create and further optimize a framework for content creation, especially for evergreen content.

What you can gain if you decide to work with us?

Book a free SEO discovery call with us now to see how our approach will scale your business growth!

What is going to happen?

  1. Use the booking widget and select a slot that is suitable for you
  2. Before the call, we will get in touch with you about meeting details
  3. During the call, you’ll meet one of our experts to explore your business challenges, and see how we can help you overcome them. You’ll also learn more about how we can work together to unleash your performance potential. You will get to ask anything starting from how our teams are structured to what specific tasks we can do for your business.
  4. After the call, you can request a detailed offer that contains the list of services and competencies that we recommend for your specific business case as well as pricing and next steps. You can use this document to decide how to continue. We will be with you throughout the entire onboarding process and will assist you with anything you might need.

Do you prefer email?

No worries, drop a message to this fantastic email address and we will get in touch with you sooner than you think (in one business day):

Meet our team

There is one thing you need to know about us: we love clever things. Not the unique atmosphere. Not the fantastic clients and brands. Not the great projects. Nor the fancy awards. Those are just the rewards for doing what we believe in: keeping ourselves and our partners ahead of what’s coming next. We are here as your ally to make your business succeed and face every challenge together, with passion and creativity.

Latest insights, studies and examples of our work


9 Károlyi street, 4th floor
(Centrál Irodaház)
Budapest, 1053-Hungary

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